

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I'm back....sort of

If you noticed I've been slow lately (actually missing-in-action) you are right.  I just realized I haven't explained what has been going on for me lately.
My father recently passed away and it sort of threw me for a loop.  He was old and in poor health and I thought I was ready for this, I was sure I could take it in stride.  I knew it was coming after all.
Well to make this short I was not ready, I did not take it well, it has thrown me so far off everything that I am not sure if I am coming or going.
I made it through his funeral, I even managed to fly out to California for his memorial service there.  It seems to have hit me really hard now that I am back in familiar territory, not sure why that is but it is.  Seems no matter what I do it just tires me out and I have not been able to finish anything let alone begin something.
I know this will pass.  I know I will muddle through and things will improve.  Until that happens I will most likely be somewhat slow in posting artwork here.  I'm having a time just concentrating it seems.
Please bear with me and keep checking in.  I will surprise all of us soon with new work, I just know it.

1 comment:

kc_froglady said...

I am sorry for your loss Connie. You are right knowing isn't being prepared even though we think it is. I hope you can find a sense of peace knowing he is no longer in pain.